Scholastic Reading Hub | Teaching Reading | Comprehension | Assessment


What is it?

The testing and assessment of reading ability in primary schools is done both for external reporting (to the Department for Education, school website etc.) and internally for teacher knowledge of pupil attainment, progress and gaps in pupil’s understanding.

Assessment of pupils’ reading ability is essential in order:
  • to get an understanding of pupils’ baseline performance,
  • so the correct text can be provided for each child to read
  • so gaps in pupil’s knowledge can be addressed through reading instruction
  • to monitor pupil progress, identify poor progress and allow teacher’s to intervene to boost performance.
There are a number of ways that schools can assess reading attainment and progress:
  • Through running records
  • Termly assessment tests
  • Digital tests and comprehension activities and many more
In the 2016 reading test at the end of KS2, 62% of boys and 70% of girls reached the expected standard (average 66%)
  • As a scaled score, the average scaled score for England was 103.

What does the research show?

Feedback studies tend to show very high effects on learning. (Education Endowment Foundation Teaching & Learning Toolkit, accessed April 2017)

Feedback has the joint highest impact of all strategies summarised by the Education Endowment Foundation.

“…if you’re serious about raising student achievement you have to improve teachers’ use of assessment for learning…” Dylan Wiliam, Assessment for Learning: why, what and how, September 2006

John Hattie gives Feedback an effect size of 0.73 and Providing Formative Evaluation between 0.68 and 0.9, both well within the ‘zone of desired effects’.

“The… ‘Assessing pupils’ progress’ initiative had helped to strengthen assessment practice in all of the schools visited…impact was greatest when it formed part of a strongly led, clear, whole-school vision of teaching, learning and assessment…” The impact of the ‘Assessing pupils’ progress’ initiative, Ofsted, 2011.

“Our own review has selected at least 20 more such studies—the number depends on how rigorous a set of selection criteria are applied. All of these studies show that innovations which include strengthening the practice of formative assessment produce significant, and often substantial, learning gains.” Inside the Black Box. Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment. Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam 2001.

How Scholastic can help

Understanding and resourcing reading in your school can be confusing. We’re here to help with reliable, trusted advice on the best resources for KS1 and KS2.

Termly Assessment Tests

Prepare for success in the National Tests with assessment every term

  • Assess children’s knowledge and understanding with termly tests, matched to the statutory format
  • Easily identify and target gaps in learning early on
  • Track progress for Years 2-6 children throughout the year
  • Provide targeted feedback to help children boost skills and confidence
10-Minute Tests

Just like the real thing – only shorter! Matched to the format of the actual National Tests, our quick-fire mini practice tests offer an authentic SATs experience in a time-saving and flexible format.

Scholastic Reading Pro

Scholastic Reading Pro (SRP) combines assessment and reading motivation to raise reading standards at pupil, class and whole school level.  Bringing together carefully levelled children’s books with a computer-adaptive test to measure a child’s reading level, SRP engages readers with personalised book recommendations and thousands of quizzes to monitor and assess independent reading.


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